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Internet Blackjack

How To Play Blackjack On The Internets

Everything written on this site concerns how to win at blackjack, but this page is specifically devoted to how to win at blackjack on the Internet. The article touches on subjects including whether or not it's legal to play blackjack on the Internet, what kinds of strategies work with Internet blackjack and which ones don't, and is generally just filled with basic Internet blackjack tips. Future articles will cover some of these subjects in more depth.

Internet Blackjack Strategy

Lots of people play blackjack online. Few of them win, and even fewer of them win consistently. That's because Internet blackjack is almost always a negative expectation game. In a real casino, you can improve your odds by counting cards, but that's impossible in an online casino. Shuffle tracking and dealer tells are two other blackjack strategies that work well in the real world but are useless online. The only real chance that an Internet blackjack player has of winning is to get lucky and quit while he's ahead.

Internet blackjack also involves a whole other set of logistics and strategies. Online blackjack players have to figure out how to sign up for an online casino account and then get money to and from that account. Funding an online casino account is easy if you live in certain places, but in some other places, where the legality of online blackjack for real money is questionable at best, it can be almost impossible to get funds to and from an online casino. Some people use credit cards with a good deal of success, while other use Western Union. Some people fund their casino account via electronic checks.

Our best advice related to funding an online casino account is to never play with money you can't afford to lose. Not only are the odds against you in an Internet blackjack game, but you may or may not have trouble getting your money back out of the casino too. Winning at online blackjack is fun, but don't count on being a winner. And winning avails you little if you're having a hard time getting your money withdrawn from the casino.

We try to only feature reputable Internet casinos as advertisers on this site, but we can accept no liability for any type of real money losses you incur if you play for real money. Our recommendation and suggestion is to stick with the free money/play money blackjack games. If you stick with the free Internet blackjack games, then you can never lose any real money.

Is Internet Blackjack Legal?

People ask the question, "Is Internet blackjack legal?" all the time. (A variation of this question is, "Isn't Internet blackjack illegal?") The fact of the matter is that in no jurisdiction that I know of is blackjack specifically illegal, especially if you're not playing for real money. (Which is again our recommendation.) Playing blackjack online is just like playing any other card game; it's harmless and legal unless you're playing for real money.

I will point out that contrary to popular myth, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act in the USA did not make gambling online illegal. That legislation only addressed the transfer of funds to and from "illegal gambling" parties. If no law in your jurisdiction makes gambling illegal, then UIGEA doesn't really apply.

Some legal theories indicate that the Federal Wire Act makes all gambling on the Internet illegal in the USA. But multiple questions about this theory arise. For one thing, is the gambling actually taking place from the computer where the bet is being made, or is the gambling taking place on the computer where the bet is being taken? Also, does the Federal Wire Act apply to casino games like blackjack at all? Some court precedents seem to indicate that the Federal Wire Act applies specifically to sportsbetting.

Our recommendation and suggestion is that you familiarize yourself with the laws in your jurisdiction and consult with a lawyer before playing for real money if you have a concern about the legality of Internet blackjack. This site is written for entertainment and educational purposes, and it serves a worldwide audience. Since laws related to Internet gambling vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, we'd be hard-pressed to provide reliable, up-to-date information for every possible visitor from every possible jurisdiction.

Internet Blackjack Sites

If you're looking for an Internet casino at which to play blackjack, just click on any of the banners on any of our pages. We've included about a dozen information pages for various Internet blackjack sites. We don't endorse any of these sites, but we've done our best to make sure that we've only listed reputable Internet blackjack sites. A little more than half of these sites don't accept real money play from the USA, so keep that in mind when deciding which site at which to play.

Mac Blackjack on the Internet

We'll eventually include an extensive article about Mac blackjack sites for Internet players, but let us just suggest here that if you're interested in Mac compatible blackjack or Linux blackjack, give the no download casino software at Bodog Casino a try. If you use an emulator of some kind, you can play at any of the same casinos that a PC user would be able to play at anyway.

See also:
USA Players Accepted US Players and Credit Card, BitCoin Deposits Accepted!